001: Motherhood is a Beautiful Roller Coaster | Ali Kozoll

Welcome to Being Mom, a new podcast for moms and moms-to-be! In this episode, host Ali Kozoll, introduces herself and her family by telling her story of late pregnancy and her son's birth by cesarean. She also shares the intention behind the show, why it’s so important for moms to get real, and makes a heartfelt invitation. Welcome to the community, we're so glad you found us!

You can download this episode from Apple PodcastsSpotify, Sticher, Pocket Casts, Castbox, and TuneIn Radio, or listen below…

Ali’s Birth Story

Here are the photos Ali mentioned during her birth story…

1) The emotional photo taken by Ali’s husband in the moments after learning they would be welcoming their son three weeks early, where Ali was texting with her co-workers to explain that she would not be able to keep any of her meetings because she was having a baby!

2) The first family snuggles after delivery.

3) The moment Ali held her son for the first time.

And, as mentioned, here is Ali’s Postpartum Depression story, which she shared in January 2017 as part of This Is My Brave in Los Angeles.

Thank you for listening!

podcastAli Kozoll